" Jashin. We are the religion of peace, and we will kill you to prove it. "

"We wear white robes, because we enjoy trying to wash out the bloodstains.  And they have an embroidered hole where our stake goes, so they're reusable."

"Those who do not join our society will die by the hands of those who have."

"We must annihilate the non-believers..."

"Once everyone else is sacrificed, peace will reign."

"Those who aren’t willing to gain sympathy by inflicting pain unto themselves should not have the audacity to inflict that suffering elsewhere."

"May you be successful in your sacrifices, and recieve the blessings of god."

"Pain is a gift."

"For those who do not understand the pain of others do not have the right to deal such pain."

"Welcome, faithful followers of Jashin.  Here we gather to offer our prayers and sacrifices to the gods.  In return, we are given eternal life, free from the threat of sickness, old age, or death by injury."

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