Welcome to the Jashin cult!

 This place was founded because I beleive this world would be better off in the hands of Jashin.  Jashin had almost become a forgotten god, but I am determined to restore his strength and to make sure the lord will never be weakened to that state again.  One day Jashin will be the dominant religion of the United States, the United Kingdom, and soon after that, the rest of the world.  It is a much more fit religion than the cruel catholics.  Jashin takes care of his followers and punishes the nonbeleivers.  Most people do not know what they are doing to others, they do not know what pain is before they inflict it on others, both physical and mental; to follow Jashin you must understand pain before inflicting it on others.  Followers do not wait for Jashin to inervene in there lives to finally right themselves of their wrongs, they take matters into their own hands.  We correct our own sins and prove our worthyness to our lord.  I do not expect those that have not submitted themselves to Jashin to understand this religion but to those that are curious, you are welcome here.  We will not back down to anyone, we are here to stay and that is final.

 All heathens, all nonbeleivers will have one chance to convert peacefully.  Jashinism is not for the faint of heart because it deals with self mutilation and blood sport, it's a highly masochistic religion.  Pain is equal to pleasure and Jashin gave you pain to feel instead of the damage taken in by your body.  The more devotion you show to lord Jashin-sama the better you will be able to convert your pain to happiness or not feel it at all.  Those that do not beleive in Jashin will die in the hands of those who do.  You must understand what pain is, if you have no idea what anothers pain feels like, then you have no right to inflict that pain elsewhere.  You must prove your dedication to lord Jashin.


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